Legal Recruiters

Transforming IP Search

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About Us

With a legacy of over 35 years, The Rossi Legal Organization, Inc. has evolved to include specialized practice groups tailored to meet diverse legal needs. At the forefront is Rossi IP, a distinguished practice group exclusively dedicated to intellectual property.

At our core, we operate as a "Candidate-driven" IP legal consulting firm, distinct from a traditional legal recruiting firm. We are not a legal recruiting firm/agency. Our primary focus lies in catering to the needs and aspirations of the candidate rather than the law firm.

Traditional Recruiting Fails You

Through in-depth discussions with our candidates, we meticulously comprehend their desires, enabling us to undertake a task they could not achieve independently – navigating the expansive big law marketplace discreetly on their behalf without divulging their identity. By directly engaging with influential figures within law firms, we introduce our candidates' exceptional talents to the firm's leadership.

With a 35-year expertise in IP, many influential figures within big law firms were once our candidates. Our relentless exploration of the marketplace leads us to powerbase partners who recognize that our candidates' expertise and aspirations align with their law firm's objectives, enabling them to excel and accelerate their career trajectory.

We firmly believe that fulfilling a candidate's desires and acknowledging their skill set are paramount. Our unwavering conviction is that aligning our candidates with a team that shares their aspirations inevitably propels their careers to new heights. Our steadfast commitment is to prioritize the candidates we represent.

We Service You

Rossi IP has spent years designing and perfecting an operational organization that is set up to cater to and service the needs of IP attorneys in their quest to find the right opportunity for themselves, one that not only fits their current needs and desires but puts them on a trajectory to obtain their long-term career goals.

We offer all our services to our candidates at no cost, as we operate as a IP legal consulting firm. If a law firm engages in any business arrangement with a candidate we introduce, they will compensate us with a referral fee. This model ensures that our focus remains on advocating for the best interests of the candidate rather than the law firm. It is important to note that law firms do not remunerate us for services provided to them; instead, they pay a referral fee for successful connections. Transparency is critical to our values.